IMPORTANCE OF PRE-SCHOOLING (Early Childhood Development)

brainy stars


1.Hazrath Ali (RA) Says: “There are four phases of human life; the second phase of which is from 0-7 years is of utmost important…”
Child psychologists say: 90% of human brain develops up to age of 6 years. So the future of human being is shaped during this period.
UNESCO an organization of UNO had conducted a research study of 400 Students who have not attended pre-school. The study had shown tremendous behavioural differences. Those who had attended pre-school had shown better performance in education and life skills.
As per the study in India only 18-20% children below the age six years in metropolitan cites attend the Pre-School, where as in the district headquarters it is up to 10%. The desired number is 60%.
Pre-Schools target the upbringing of children with the objective to train them to perform better in the education of Primary and Higher Primary level.
Various life skills can be properly and effectively imbibed when he child is in pre-school.


As per a market survey the Pre-School market projection in India is of Rs.15000 crore.
As per the survey, approximate population of Muslim children of the age 2-6 yrs is around 3 crores (30 million)