Dr Ali Khwaja


A Montessorian, an engineering graduate of IIT, MIE, MIIM, with a Ph.D in behavioral sciences – Ali Khwaja has always carved out his own path and been a free-lancer, ensuring that work is joy every day. He is invited regularly to conduct workshops or lectures for Defense, Central Government, prestigious National institutions, schools and colleges, but he prefers to be informal, learning while he teaches, and being honest and congruent in whatever he says or does.

He is the founder and head of Banjara Academy, a unique institution committed to improvement of quality of life. He nurtures and motivates over 200 volunteers to give free service in 10 hospitals and the Academy’s own counselling centers. He conducts a very popular and practical one year part-time Diploma in Counselling Skills and a 5-month Certificate in Life Skills. Yet he finds time for causes as wide as adoption, disability welfare, “true” education, life skills, and counselling.

He has been presenting papers in national workshops, has written over 30 books and 80 booklets on all practical aspects of day-to-day life. He writes regular columns and articles in reputed publications like Deccan Herald, etc., and edits a unique newsletter. He is widely quoted in the media, and has been repeatedly interviewed on radio and TV. Notwithstanding all that, he loves all human beings alike, is willing to listen, and his prime focus is on empowering individuals to help themselves.