Will She buy the Home before time runs out ?
Critical Home Buying Hours
A Prospective Client Spends almost 3 Months in the Initial time of Property search, and he comes to the Conclusion and Shortlists the 3 – 4 Properties to Finalize which will be the best properties at that time available in the Market.

A Buyer should also take into note that the Properties which are best to you are also best to another Ten more buyers like you and this property is available only for time being as a matter of Time
And Now the Buyer is expected to make his first move by meeting the owner, Finalizing the price, setting the Time frame to purchase the Property and getting the possession of the Property but buyers delay to make their First move.
They would at times meet the owner, Negotiate the price, get the fair idea of the Final price and the deal scenario, but will not make any commitments but will go back to work on their funds, this is totally immature on the buyer part as this homework has to be done before and a Buyer should be prepared well in advance to keep the stone rolling..
An Immature buyer of this kind will certainly lose the deal and will again be back in the Market Hunting for the New Property, but his mind is made off of buying the previous property so he keeps that previous property (its Specifications and Price) as a benchmark and will face many issues and it will take huge time until he finds out the Second best one.
The Loss of time during the Process will also bring lots of Depression, Disagreements within the Family, Tensions and the buyers will also face a Stigma of Rejections from the Previous brokers who at times have shown them the best properties but these buyers have choose to ignore then at that point of time and that Brokers form an Opinion that these are Not so serious buyers which also reduces the Number of Choices in decision making of the Property
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