Damac Dubai : Damac Properties The Dubai based Real estate developer commenced the Karanataka State wide tour to meet the Prospective Investors starting from the Industrial city of Tumkur
After the recent property show in Bangalore, a lot of investors who registered to the property show of Damac projects and keen to invest in the city of Dubai were unable to make it due to lack of time and missed the Property show
The calls generated were from all the major cities and towns of karnataka, so damac has planned a state wide tour with each stop at one district a day starting from Tumkur
Damac Team visited Tumkur city an Industrial city located just 70 kms away from Bangalore along the National highways of NH4 and NH 206 played a good host to the Damac team invoking the positive response from Investors
Damac Team will visit Tumkur again in the first week of May 2018 to host a Property show in a very Prominent Hotel at Tumkur, The Dates of the property show and venue will be announced shortly
The Damac team will camp at Kolar on 23rd April 2018, The dates for the cities of Shivamogga, Hubli, Dharwad, Mangalore and Belgaum will be Notified shortly

Damac Dubai
About Damac :
DAMAC Properties prides itself on its uncompromising commitment to service excellence, whether we are helping a young couple choose the perfect family home or advising investors on properties offering the best investment returns. This is why DAMAC Properties is recognised as one of the leading luxury developers in the Middle East.
Since 2002, we have delivered over 20,230 homes to our customers and that number grows daily. Our success stems from the arduous effort of selecting and retaining talented employees, to choosing the right development partners that include award-winning architects, designers and contractors, right through to identifying prime development locations and selecting the sophisticated building materials that will deliver uncompromised quality standards.

Damac Dubai
DAMAC Properties has been at the forefront of the Middle East’s luxury real estate market since 2002, delivering luxury residential, commercial and leisure properties across the region, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon and the United Kingdom.
Making its mark at the highest end of stylish living, DAMAC Properties has cemented its place as the leading luxury developer in the region, having delivered over 20,230 homes, with a development portfolio of more than 44,000 units at various stages of progress. This includes 13,000 hotel rooms, serviced hotel apartments and hotel villas that will be managed by its wholly – owned DAMAC Hotels & Resorts.

Damac Dubai
By taking what we have learned from our customers over the past 15 years, we can say that we have become the region’s leading developer of bespoke homes and luxury destinations.
Get an Exclusive Invitation, Call +91-9845017139 / 080 – 42110448 and book your slot with a Dedicated Relation ship Manager to assist you at the show
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